The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) is a national digital library that brings together thumbnail images and metadata from the digital collections of libraries, museums, and archives around the country into a single, freely-available, searchable website.
Contributing to the DPLA requires an OAI publishing target and a public representation of the items you contribute, so that DPLA may provide links that redirect to an open access record. Currently, that public representation may be in the form of an Artstor Public Collection, which will eventually be updated to a JSTOR Public Collection after migration of collections to JSTOR is complete.
If you are interested in sharing your content with DPLA and have the authority to agree to the following terms on behalf of your institution, please follow these instructions:
- Email with the subject line "Contribution to DPLA".
- In the body of the email, please include the following:
- Your institution’s full legal name
- A list of the project name(s) and ID(s) you would like enabled for contribution to DPLA
- Cut and paste the following text:
I agree on behalf of my institution to contribute thumbnail images and data for the collections listed above to the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), and grant Artstor permission to map this data to Dublin Core and share the mapped data and thumbnail images with the DPLA. I also grant the DPLA a non-exclusive, royalty-free, and free-of-charge license to make the Dublin Core-mapped data available to general public under a Creative Commons Zero Public Domain Dedication ( and the thumbnail images available to the general public under the license terms specified in the “rights” field of the data. I further grant Artstor a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, and free-of- charge license to reproduce, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, adapt, modify or make derivative works of large thumbnail images (up to 400 pixels on the long side) and the full metadata record associated with the image in order to make such content available to the general public on an Artstor-landing page. I also give Artstor permission to incorporate onto the Artstor landing page a link to my institution’s webpage, a copy of my institution’s logo and a link to the high resolution version of our image. I understand that Artstor acts solely as an Online Service Provider, under 17 US.C. Section 512, in connection with the DPLA and does not select, screen or conduct copyright clearances on any content contributed to the DPLA or made available on an Artstor landing page. I represent and warrant that I have authority on behalf of my institution to grant to the DPLA and Artstor the above permissions.
Upon receiving your email, a Forum support member will reach out to confirm the collection setup. We will create an OAI publishing target in each project you listed. DPLA requires mapping your project fields to Dublin Core so you will map each OAI target.
To contribute to DPLA:
- Publish your selected content to both the OAI target and public collection target (if it's not already published to a public collection target). DPLA will harvest your content on a monthly basis (though this is subject to change based on DPLA's schedule) from our OAI server and add your metadata and thumbnails to their site. DPLA users will be linked to the full metadata and media record in your public collection in Artstor.
- Republish items if you make any updates so DPLA will reflect these changes after their next harvest.
- To remove items from DPLA, suppress them from the OAI target and they will be removed after DPLA's next harvest.