On this page:
About the Getty Vocabularies includes more information about the Getty vocabularies and their integration with JSTOR Forum. This article details how to search, view, create, and catalog with these terms.
Search for Getty Terms
- When viewing an item, select the consult icon
in the linked field.
- Enter the ULAN+, AAT, TGN term in the search box. Boolean operators, truncation, and exact match searching may be used.
- You may use AND or OR when searching ULAN+. These Boolean operators must be typed in all capital letters. (e.g. Gordon AND Matta; Philips OR Phillips).
- Both the Boolean operators AND and OR may be used in the same query. When doing so, parentheses should be used to retrieve useful results. (e.g. (Giovanni OR Gentile) AND Bellini.
- An asterisk (*) may be used as a wildcard for right-hand truncation, or within a name. (e.g. Kaufman*; Pollai*lo).
- Boolean operators AND or OR may be used with wildcards (e.g. Pieter AND (Bre* OR Brue*).
- Quotation marks may be used to find an exact match. For example, a search of Christo will retrieve the artist known simply by this name and not artists such as Christo Coetzee whose names contain Christo along with other keywords. Quoted phrases may be used with OR (e.g. “Christo” OR “Giotto”; Taddeo Gaddi OR “Giotto”).
- As you type, relevant results will start appearing below. Hovering over the name will reveal more information about the term. Selecting Relevance in the upper left of this window will reorder your results with the most used entry at the top.
- Searching ULAN+ for names also includes an advanced search option. The advanced search option also includes these fields to search:
- Nationalities/Cultures: Start typing a role and select one from the list of results. More than one term may be selected.
- Gender: Select from the dropdown list.
- Roles: Start typing a role and select one from the list of results.. More than one role may be selected.
- Birth/start date and Death/end date: This section allows for birth/earliest and death/latest dates. Enter numbers in the fields. To search an exact birth/start date, enter the same number in both the “from” and “to” fields. To search an exact death/end date, enter the same number in both the “from” and “to” fields. To search an exact birth and death date, fill out all four fields. If you want to search a birth/start or death/end range, enter numbers in the relevant “from” and “to” fields. If you want to search a range from birth/start to death/end, fill out all four fields. For dates B.C.E. use the dropdown to change from the default C.E.
- Person /Corporate Body: A person is an individual, and a corporate body refers to a group of people, an organization, manufactory, etc.
- Local/Community: Local records are those created by and visible only to users at your institution. Community records have been promoted and are visible to all users in the community.
- Provisional/Complete: Provisional records do not have all core fields filled in. Complete records have all core fields filled. The core fields are: Name type, Name, Name source and page, Birth/start date, Death/end date, Display biography, Nationality/culture, Role, and Gender.
View Getty Terms
If a term is already linked to an item, you can view the full record by clicking on the linked data just below the field. You can also view a term from the search results by selecting it. This will open the term in a new browser tab. If you are viewing a name record contributed by your institution, you will see have the option to edit the name record.
Create Names
ULAN+ (or Shared Shelf Names, as it appears in Forum) is an expanded selection of names, and it includes all name records from your institution, the Getty ULAN®, and promoted name records from other Forum users.
To add your own name records:
- When viewing an item, select the consult icon in the linked field.
- Perform a search for the name. If the desired name is not found, select Create Name.
- The name form will open in a new browser window. In order for a new name to be saved, Preferred Name and Source must be completed. For the record to be considered Complete, the following fields must also be filled in: Gender, Birth/Start, Death/End, Nationalities/Cultures, Roles, Bibliography.
- After these fields are complete, select an option from the upper right menu: Save & Link, Save, or Save & Close. If the record is missing a required field, the dialog next to these options will indicate which field(s) still require data.
- If any of the required fields for the name record are left blank, it will be marked as Provisional.
- If all required fields in the name record are complete, it will be marked as Complete.
Edit Name
You can edit a name your institution has created. It is important to note that editing a name will automatically update all linked items, including items from other institutions. However, the display information will not be altered.
To edit a name:
- View the name by selecting the linked data just below the field or perform a search and select on the name from the list of results. The name record will open in a new browser tab.
- Select Edit from the top right corner.
- Make your changes to the name record and select an option from the upper right menu: Save & Link, Save, or Save & Close.
Promote Name
Once a name record is promoted, it is visible to all institutions so others may link their items to it; however, only the submitting institution may edit their original name record. You may promote a name, or lookup an existing name and then promote it.
To promote a name while editing the name record, select Promote. Confirm you want to promote this name to the community. Select Yes if you want to promote the name. Selecting No means the record will remain local.
Link Getty Terms to Items
When a term is linked to an item, the display value will populate the field and the linked data will appear below the field. Any actions on the linked data or display text will not affect the term itself. Deleting or editing the display text only alters what appears for this item.
To link terms to an item:
- When viewing an item, select the consult icon
in the linked field.
- Enter the ULAN+, AAT, TGN term in the search box. Boolean operators, truncation, and exact match searching may be used.
- Hover over the term you want to link and then select one of the below options.
- Link Only: The name label will appear below the field, but no display information will appear in the field.
- Link & Append to Display: The name label will appear below the field and the name’s display information will be appended to the field. This option will not overwrite any existing data in the field.
- Link & Overwrite Display: The name label will appear below the field and the name’s display information will overwrite any existing data currently in the field.
- Depending on which linking option you chose, the term and/or display value will populate the field. The consult window for the Getty source will remain open so you can link additional terms or close the window.
Unlink Getty Terms from Items
If a field is currently linked to a term, you can unlink it by selecting the X on the name label. The display information will remain in the field until it is deleted manually. Remember to save changes made to an item.